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About us

The Florham Park Memorial First Aid Squad, Inc., was founded in 1951. It was a pivotal time in our country's history. There was a need to assist soldiers who came home from war. They were experiencing various degrees of trauma and injury. At it's inception, our squad was dedicated as a living memorial to Veterans and it's our duty to carry on. We have evolved over the last 70+ years, endured the ever-changing EMS system, demand for services, higher education protocols and even a pandemic.  We continue moving forward as living memorial in honor of our brave Military services members of the past, present and future.

FPFAS is a NJ State licensed first aid squad, it remains a volunteer led non-profit, tax-exempt organization. We provide pre-hospital emergency response, care and transport to Florham Park residents and surrounding communities. We work in coordination with Police Officers, Dispatchers, Advanced Life Support responders and county agencies to ensure we have a cohesive response. Florham Park First Aid squad made the difficult decision to bill for services to ensure we are self sustainable.  This allows us to continue our mission and responsibility to our citizens and the citizens of our surrounding communities. 

We are partially supported by the generous donations of our residents and a some businesses in town. Donations are vital to help support a demanding and thriving first aid squad. Donations go directly towards our annual budget for expenses such as medical supplies, medical equipment, building upkeep, safety equipment and PPE, recruitment, training, uniforms, ambulance maintenance, worker's compensation, vehicle, accident & injury insurance as well as our community outreach.  

Privacy practices are found on the tab above. If you have any questions please reach out to for additional information.



Employment Opportunities

Seeking experienced EMT'S to join our team.  

Shifts run:  0600-1800 & 1800-0600

We offer 6, 12, 18 & 24 hour shifts 

Quick access to donate 

Florham Park Memorial First Aid Squad
60 Felch Road
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
(973) 377-4226

Mailing address:

New Ambulance Initiative
Campaign to begin in 2024 

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